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Thomas C. Weihe


Thomas serves as bond counsel to government entities ranging from small towns and districts to large cities, counties and state-level issuers.

Thomas represents national and regional investment banks that underwrite municipal debt, and his practice includes extensive experience representing transportation and K-12 education issuers. He has spent his career securing the needs of these clients and helping to create new and innovative structures that translate their financing goals into reality.

  • Bond counsel to a Colorado county for the nation’s first publicly sold PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) bond issue to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements for county residents.
  • Bond counsel to a Colorado county for one of the first “BAB-ified” issues of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds in the country.
  • Bond counsel to a Colorado urban renewal authority for the largest infill mixed-use redevelopment project in the United States.
  • Bond counsel to a large Colorado school district for the first issue of tax credit bonds for educational purposes in the State of Colorado.
  • Bond counsel to a state highway department for one the first FHWA aid-backed (GARVEE) financing programs in the country.
  • Counsel to the underwriters of the publicly financed portion of a joint public-private financing for a new NFL franchise stadium.
  • Bond counsel to a state in the western United States for the creation of a new lease revenue bond structure to comply with debt restrictions in the state’s constitution.

  • The Best Lawyers in America®, Public Finance Law, 2023-2025