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Albert R. Reyes


Albert serves as bond counsel, disclosure counsel, and underwriters’ counsel in connection with various public finance matters. He assists cities, counties, school districts, water districts, special districts, transportation authorities, joint power authorities and a variety of public agencies in the issuance of sales tax bonds, general obligation bonds, special tax bonds, enterprise revenue bonds, lease revenue bond and the execution and delivery of certifications of participation. Albert has assisted financial institutions with transactions related to the private placement of tax-exempt bonds and tax-exempt loans, including the negotiation and drafting of credit reimbursement agreements, loan agreements and related documentation. He also has advised on public finance matters related to the issuance of 501(c)(3) bonds. 

  • Represented investment banks as underwriter’s counsel and placement agent counsel with the issuance of special tax bonds, general obligation bonds, tax allocation refunding bonds, lease revenue bonds, enterprise revenue bonds and certificates of participation.
  • Represented various cities as bond counsel and disclosure counsel in connection with the issuance of general obligation bonds, lease revenue bonds, enterprise revenue bonds, and lease purchase financings.
  • Represented various successor agencies to redevelopment agencies as bond and disclosure counsel in connection with the issuance of tax allocation refunding bonds.
  • Represented certain special districts as special counsel and disclosure counsel in connection with the execution and delivery of certificates of participation and private placements.
  • Represented various school districts as bond counsel and disclosure counsel with the issuance of general obligation bonds.
  • Represented cities, counties, special districts and school districts as bond counsel and disclosure counsel in the formation of community facilities districts pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community
  • Facilities Act of 1982 and the issuance of special tax bonds.
  • Represented various water districts, irrigation districts and sanitary districts as bond counsel and disclosure counsel in connection with the issuance of revenue bonds and the execution and delivery of certifications of participation.
  • Represented various transportation agencies as bond counsel, disclosure counsel and general counsel with respect to the issuance of sales tax bonds, toll revenue bonds, commercial paper, TIFIA loans and letters of credit.