George Schlossberg Interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio
News | November 22, 2019George Schlossberg, a partner in Kutak Rock's Washington, D.C. office, was recently interviewed for a story on Wisconsin Public Radio about the future of Truax Field Air National Guard Base in Madison, WI, one of the units being considered by the Air Force for airplane conversion from the F-16 fighter to the F-35. Truax Field is one of the Air Force’s preferred locations for F-35’s, a new set of advanced fighter jets. As the F-16 fighter ages out, supporters agree that the F-35 is a necessary replacement to keep Truax Field open. Opponents disagree, saying that the social costs, including increased noise exposure in the area, are too great.
Mr. Schlossberg said “It’s possible for bases to get new missions.” Furthermore, “Base closures aren’t always an economic disaster. Some of the most vibrant communities are those that have had base closures because they've taken those former assets and converted them for industry, housing, development.”
A Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission has not recommended closing Truax Field, and according to Mr. Schlossberg, we won’t see another round of base closures anytime soon. The Air Force is expected to make a final decision about airplane conversion in the Spring of 2020.
To listen to the interview, please click here.
George Schlossberg serves as Chair of the firm’s Federal Practice and National Security Law Group and represents a number of state and local governments, federal departments and agencies and private entities in connection with the reuse of military installations, government and commercial property transactions, government contracts and financing government and commercial facilities.