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Health information technology (HIT) has rapidly changed the way healthcare is delivered, recorded and paid for. Businesses are seeking innovative ways to deliver healthcare outside traditional telemedicine, including web-based appointments and other uses of new technology. The demand for robust and meaningful HIT has grown in scope and scale in the past decade—outpacing nearly all other sectors of software and technology. Due to sweeping changes in recent laws, there are unprecedented opportunities for the healthcare industry to invest in, upgrade or expand HIT and for new vendors to support this rapidly growing need.
However, these opportunities come prepackaged with complex legal and business challenges due to the highly regulated environment in which healthcare operates and the inherent risks of managing sensitive data in a fast-paced high technology economy.
Kutak Rock leverages experienced attorneys from its healthcare practice group and technology and e-commerce practice group to assist clients who face these challenges. In addition to a partnered, multidisciplinary approach to support its clients, Kutak Rock has attorneys who devote a substantial portion of their practice to addressing HIT needs of healthcare providers and HIT vendors and who understand the opportunities, challenges and market forces that drive the need for HIT implementation and strategy.
Our representative experience includes:
- HIT – Fraud and Abuse and Self-Referral
- HIT Vendor Management
- Security Incident Response
- Telehealth
- Alternative care delivery systems using technology