A pioneer of healthcare finance, Kutak Rock leads the industry with innovation and creative financing structures for hospitals, long-term care facilities and healthcare joint venture/cooperative structures. We have specialized teams of attorneys focusing on each type of healthcare financing for stand-alone hospitals, large regional and national systems, critical care facilities, and joint ventures and partnerships, and our attorneys have the ability to draw upon the knowledge of others in the firm who focus on taxation, swaps and other derivative products, security interests and governmental regulations. This collaboration greatly enhances our ability to thoroughly represent our clients in multiple aspects of transactions.
Our attorneys’ vast tax expertise and extensive experience with both taxable and tax-exempt financings, together with our affiliated rebate analysis firm, permit us to advise clients about the appropriate financing structures for their assets, and, if requested, to guide clients through any ongoing compliance requirements.
Kutak Rock is highly familiar with all of the financing structures commonly used in the healthcare arena, such as fixed rate bonds, credit enhanced floating rate bonds, indexed-floating rate notes, direct purchase transactions, master indenture structures, HUD 242 financings, USDA financings and combined tax-exempt and taxable bonds. With more than five decades' experience in representing health facilities authorities, governmental hospitals, hospice and palliative care providers, mental health providers, long-term care facilities, underwriters, financial advisors, trustees, lenders, bond purchasers, and credit and liquidity providers, Kutak Rock can bring an overall perspective to each transaction that many others cannot, and we assist clients in quickly resolving issues that may arise.