- J.D., University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, magna cum laude; Member, University of Arizona Law Review
- B.A., Brown University
- Nebraska
Josh serves as bond counsel and disclosure counsel to sanitary and improvement districts in the State of Nebraska. He acts as bond counsel for other Nebraska state and local government issuers, including cities, school districts and counties. In addition to this traditional public finance practice, Josh is actively involved in the affordable multifamily housing industry, with experience acting as bond counsel, underwriter's counsel and as lender/credit enhancer counsel in LIHTC and 501(c)(3) affordable multifamily bond financed deals.
- Affordable housing transactions and those utilizing federal, state and local subsidy and incentive programs.
- Credit enhancements for municipal mortgage bond financings.
- Construction financings, including preparation and negotiation of construction loan documents on behalf of lenders/credit enhancers.
- Modifications and restructurings of multifamily transactions.
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