The Colorado Bar Association’s January issue of Colorado Lawyer features an article about the Colorado Poverty Law Project (CPLP), founded by Kutak Rock attorneys Blair Kanis and Tom Snyder. Created to address the legal needs of Colorado’s homeless population, the nonprofit CPLP relies on a volunteer attorney network.
The article, written by Kutak Rock attorney Mark Willis, explains that Denver has a large homeless population due in part to rising housing costs and regional eviction laws. The CPLP tackles these issues through monthly pro bono legal clinics, community and court partnerships for housing matters, and by offering know-your-rights training and legal education seminars for those who are in positions to help the indigent population of Colorado.
According to the article, in 2017 the CPLP assisted over 150 individuals with such issues as resolving outstanding warrants preventing a man from successfully renting an apartment; finding a permanent residence for a woman who was shot by her estranged husband and hospitalized; and navigating Social Security Disability Insurance for homeless siblings.
For more information on the CPLP, read the complete article on the Colorado Bar Association’s website.