Kutak Rock attorneys Bryan Handlos and Kevin Griffith published an article titled "Contracting with a Fintech Company" in the September 2016 issue of The Corporate Counselor.
In the article, Handlos and Griffith define Fintech generally as a services sector focused on providing innovative online or mobile financial services. They go on to discuss various aspects of contracting with a fintech company, including:
Issues Arising out of Innovation
The "Hot Property"
Intellectual Property
Regulatory Supervision
Regulatory Compliance
Acquisition, Consolidation (or Worse)
Handlos and Griffith conclude by acknowledging that many fintech vendors provide innovative and valuable products, and by urging potential fintech business customers to give careful upfront consideration of the special risks possibly presented by a fintech vendor.
To see the text of the article, please click on the link below. Reprinted with permission of The Corporate Counselor.