Kutak Rock attorneys Chad Nitta and Blair Kanis presented at the 15th Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property & Technology Law Institute on June 2, 2017.
The Institute, held June 1st and 2nd in Westminster, Colorado (Denver metro area), covered developments in copyrights, licensing, open source, privacy and data security, marijuana and cannabis, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and more.
Kanis and Nitta's topic was "Trends in IP Litigation and How You Can Avoid Being Part of Them." The session covered:
Recent trends in litigation involving IP, including increasing damages awards in non-patent IP cases
How proactive drafting of agreements can help mitigate these risks
How to craft termination clauses that improve your client’s ability to extricate from an IP deal gone bad without litigation
The Institute was hosted by the Colorado Bar Association CLE, and co-sponsored by the Intellectual Property Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association, Stanford Law School, Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology, the Copyright Society of the USA, and the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law, and in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Regional Office of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
For more information, visit the Institute web page.