As leaders in public finance, we also have extensive experience litigating public finance-related matters. We successfully represent state and local governmental entities and associations in scores of cases before the trial, appellate and state supreme courts in matters challenging public financing mechanisms, including financing agreements and their authorizing legislation. We have been instrumental in establishing several important tests and procedures in the public finance arena, and have represented entities in seeking judicial validation of financing terms associated with high-profile deals.
Our experience includes representing:
- Several city, county and school districts in several appellate and state supreme court cases establishing rules for taxation and voter approval under a state constitutional amendment
- A tollway authority in a state supreme court case concerning proper structure for bonds under various constitutional and statutory limitations
- A county in a test case authorizing lease-purchase financing under a state constitutional amendment
- A city and special district in validation of one of the largest public financing deals in state history
- A city and urban renewal authority in several lawsuits challenging the financing for the Gaylord of the Rockies Hotel and Convention Center
- A city in a case permitting tax increases, under special circumstances, in excess of specific ballot authorization
- An urban renewal authority challenging the statewide methodology for calculating tax increment financing revenues
- Bondholders of school district bonds in establishing rights under a state constitutional amendment
- A county in a taxpayer challenge to authority for financing of a new courthouse
- A state department of transportation in a case seeking judicial interpretation of proposed legislation under a constitutional amendment
- A municipal league and a special district association in connection with a constitutional challenge to a mill levy freeze
- Several cities and school districts in challenges to ballot titles and elections concerning public financing issues