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Kutak Rock Partner Amanda Cooper Appointed to City of Springfield Personnel Board

News | February 16, 2024

Amanda Cooper, a partner in the firm’s Springfield office, took the oath of office on Feb 15, 2024 to join the City of Springfield Personnel Board.  Her appointment highlights the city's commitment to upholding rigorous standards of accountability and professionalism in its workforce management practices. Amanda’s experience navigating complex legal issues, coupled with her ongoing activism in Springfield make her an ideal candidate to decide personnel matters and ensure adherence to municipal policies and regulations.

As a member of the Personnel Board, Amanda will play a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights and interests of city employees while promoting a culture of equity and inclusivity. Her deep understanding of labor laws and her ability to assess issues from diverse perspectives will be instrumental in resolving disputes and fostering relations between the municipality and its workforce. Amanda’s appointment to the Personnel Board not only reinforces the city's commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards but also inspires confidence in the integrity of its administrative processes.

has significant experience litigating cases, as well as obtaining summary judgment on discrimination, harassment, retaliation and wrongful termination claims. She also provides clients advice, counselling and risk management strategies related to employee discipline and termination, drug testing, FMLA and ADA compliance, non-compete and non-solicitation agreements and preparation of employee handbooks.