Scott DeMartino to Serve on Historic Tax Credit Coalition Board of Directors
News | March 1, 2023Scott DeMartino, a partner in Kutak Rock’s Washington, D.C. office, has been asked to serve on the Historic Tax Credit Coalition (HTCC) Board of Directors. This will be Mr. DeMartino’s third year on the Board.
The HTCC is a diverse group of historic tax credit industry stakeholders who recognize the importance of the federal Historic Tax Credit and work with Congress and the Executive Branch to improve and expand the use of this important economic development tool.
Mr. DeMartino regularly partners with lenders, investors, syndicators, developers and nonprofit sponsors to advise on how best to utilize historic rehabilitation tax credits (HTCs), new markets tax credits (NMTCs) and renewable energy tax credits (RETCs) as sources of financing for real estate and renewable energy investments. He is passionate about historic preservation and the tax incentives that drive and support economic, cultural and sustainable community benefits. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the DC Preservation League.