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Kutak Rock Earns 2022 Gold Standard Certification From Women in Law Empowerment Forum

News - Inclusive Engagement | December 20, 2022

Kutak Rock has been recertified as a Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) Gold Standard firm for the seventh consecutive year. The WILEF Certification recognizes law firms with significant percentages of women who are equity partners, in the highest leadership positions, on governance and compensation committees, and among the most highly compensated partners. Law firms with 300 or more practicing lawyers in the United States are eligible for consideration for the WILEF Gold Standard Certification.

A firm must meet four of WILEF’s six criteria to be certified Gold. Of the 36 WILEF-certified firms in the United States, Kutak Rock was one of 20 firms to meet all six criteria to achieve the Gold Standard Certification. 

Learn more about the WILEF Gold Standard Certification recipients.

The firm’s Women’s Initiative hosts quarterly meetings; in the months between the quarterly meetings, women attorneys meet in small groups led by women attorneys who currently serve on the firm’s various committees. The Initiative also hosts a networking session during the firm’s general partnership meeting. These all are opportunities for women attorneys to network, mentor and learn, and share upcoming conference and CLE opportunities.