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Rudy Perrino Authors Chapter for The Class Action Fairness Act: Law and Strategy

News | August 10, 2022


Kutak Rock litigation partner Rudy Perrino recently co-authored a chapter titled, “How CAFA Expands Federal Jurisdiction to Include Certain Mass Actions” for The Class Action Fairness Act: Law and Strategy, second edition publication. Mr. Perrino co-authored the chapter with Elizabeth Cabraser and Fabrice Vincent, both partners in Lieff Cabraser’s San Francisco office. 

Among the Class Action Fairness Act’s (CAFA) numerous innovations was the creation of an entirely new category of lawsuit known as “mass actions,” over which federal courts would have diversity jurisdiction. The chapter examines what constitutes a “mass action” under CAFA, the various exceptions to CAFA mass action jurisdiction, and some of the more peculiar issues that arise in mass action litigation, including the Supreme Court’s holding that parens patriae actions do not qualify as mass actions under CAFA.

The Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) has created important new strategic considerations for both plaintiffs and defendants. The Class Action Fairness Act: Law and Strategy provides both plaintiff and defense counsel with a clearer picture of the statute, its case law, and helpful strategies, so attorneys can make better-informed decisions for their clients. 

Rudy Perrino is a litigator and recognized trial attorney with significant experience defending and prosecuting claims in a broad range of areas: environmental, mass tort, toxic tort, product liability, commercial, oil and gas, and food law.