Kutak Rock attorney Penfield Tate (D), along with Dick Wadhams (R), is serving as a political analyst for KCNC-TV (CBS4) in Denver for the 2016 campaign season.
Analysts Tate and Wadhams will provide perspective on local political stories as well as the national Presidential election through November 2016. Following the national conventions, they will join CBS4’s political specialist Shaun Boyd each Friday on CBS4 News at 6:30 p.m. to offer insight about important political stories of the week. They will also provide analysis during the October 21, 2016 U.S. Senate Debate between Michael Bennet (D) and Darryl Glenn (R).
Tate is a leading Democratic analyst. He has served in the administration of former Mayor Federico Peña and in the cabinet of former Governor Roy Romer. He was elected to both the Colorado Senate and the House of Representatives, and ran for Mayor of Denver in 2003. He is a frequent speaker on issues of public interest and a regular panelist on CPT12’s political talk show Colorado Inside Out.
“One of the things I like about serving as a political analyst and commentator is it gives me the opportunity to observe the political environment and to comment on issues so that they resonate with the people on the street,” Tate said. “I’ve been active in politics for many years, beginning in the 70s when my father ran for office in Boulder and became Mayor, and I believe that it is vitally important for Americans to pay attention to the political environment and hold politicians accountable for what they say and do.”
Tate's work at Kutak Rock includes representing public entities, lenders and underwriters engaged in the process of financing essential public improvements, and advising local and state governments in the exercise of their administrative responsibilities.