Kutak Rock attorney Michelle Ueding spoke at the NCEO Employee Ownership Conference in Minneapolis April 12-14.
Ueding was featured in the Leadership and Governance portion of the Conference. Her topic was "Administrative Committees: What to Ask, What to Know, What to Document." The session was designed to assist administrative committees to identify and prepare a plan for meeting their fiduciary duties.
The Conference, presented by the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO), allows professionals in the employee ownership field to learn, network, and share their knowledge. The NCEO is a self-sustaining nonprofit membership organization that provides practical resources and objective, reliable information on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), equity compensation plans, and ownership culture.
Ueding is a partner in Kutak Rock’s Omaha office and a member of the firm’s Employee Benefits Practice Group. She concentrates her practice primarily on qualified plans, deferred compensation plans and ERISA issues relating to these arrangements. She assists clients with plan design, due diligence, fiduciary duties, administration, investment review, disclosure requirements, drafting plan policies and administrative procedures.