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CLE: Current Issues Facing Agribusiness -- Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Event | August 25, 2015


Kutak Rock LLP The Omaha Building 1650 Farnam Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68102

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 members of Kutak Rock's National Agribusiness Group will present a CLE seminar titled Current Issues Facing Agribusiness. Please click here to register.

12:30-1:00 p.m.

Registration and complimentary box lunch 


1:00-2:15 p.m.

Regulatory Authorities and Practices of the EPA, by J. Daniel Breedlove, Senior Counsel, Office of Regional Counsel, Region 7, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lenexa, Kansas


Mr. Breedlove serves as agriculture counsel to Region 7 staff and management. He will address some current topics of interest to agribusinesses, and those attorneys representing agribusinesses, relating to the regulatory authorities and practices of the EPA associated with agriculture. Mr. Breedlove will discuss the new Clean Water Rule (frequently referred to as the “Waters of the United States” rule), Region 7’s regulation of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) with an emphasis toward areas of EPA concern and other statutes and regulations often associated with agriculture. Mr. Breedlove will take questions from the audience.


2:15-2:45 p.m.

Ag Lending in an Environment of Low and Volatile Commodity Prices, by Joyce Dixon and Jeff Makovicka


Ms. Dixon and Mr. Makovicka will provide an update on selected cases and legislation relating to ag lending, including legal issues associated with credit decisions at a time when low commodity prices likely will result in losses for certain producers during the crop year, basic perfection issues, stress testing agricultural loan products, taxation of CRP payments and other short subjects.


2:45-3:00 p.m.



3:00-4:00 p.m.

Litigation Update and Regulatory Trends Impacting Agribusiness, by Brian Buescher and Garth Glissman


Mr. Buescher and Mr. Glissman will provide an assessment of recent litigation trends facing agribusinesses, including an update on the recent GMO litigation and statutory developments regarding regulation of GMO crops. They will also provide an update on the EPA Clean Water Rule from the perspective of farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses, the increased activity of the United States Corps of Engineers in regulating wetlands, the recent Michigan v. EPA case decided by the United States Supreme Court on June 29, 2015 and its potential for impacting the agricultural community, and recent developments in activity of certain animal rights organizations attempting to impact animal husbandry practices in confinement agriculture.


If you have any questions regarding the seminar, please contact Brian Buescher, head of Kutak Rock LLP’s National Agribusiness Group.

Click here for more information. Please click here to register.

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