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Kutak Rock Energy Lawyer Selected for Leadership Role with Minnesota Bicycling Advocacy Group

News | August 2015


The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota recently selected Todd Guerrero, a lawyer in Kutak Rock’s Minneapolis office, to act as president of the advocacy group’s board of directors.

The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota advocates for bicycle education, sound transit policy, and promoting active living as a way of improving Minnesota communities. Through the efforts of the Alliance and other Minnesota bicycle advocates, Minnesota is recognized as one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the country. Minneapolis is the number one bicycle city in the country and the only U.S. city in the top 20 bicycle friendly cities in the world. Many Minnesota businesses are likewise recognized as national leaders in promoting bicycling for their employees as good for business.

Guerrero, a cycling enthusiast, is active in bicycling causes and has served in leadership roles for other non-profits. He is a longtime board member and past chair of the board of directors of the Legal Rights Center, a non-profit legal defense firm serving low-income clients, and is the past secretary to the Twin cities Chapter of Trout Unlimited, a national non-profit dedicated to conserving cold water fisheries.

“It is an honor to lead the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota and to serve on its board of directors,” Guerrero said. “Biking not only promotes personal health, but is also proven to have other benefits, including environmental and economic. We know that communities that promote biking are economically vibrant and places where people want to live and work. Plus it’s a lot of fun. I am fortunate to be part of the important work being done by the Alliance.”

Guerrero is an energy lawyer at Kutak Rock, a national law firm with more than 500 attorneys. His practice focuses on traditional and renewable energy projects throughout the country. Information on how to support the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota can be found at